Black Fugitive Sukkah, 2020

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The Black Fugitive Sukkah was a community activation that took place during the Jewish holiday o f Sukkot in 2020. This fugitive sanctuary pays homage to hundreds of self-liberating Black ancestors whose names and descriptions are recovered from in archived Runaway Slave ads. The Black Fugitive Sukkah is inspired by the Judaic tradition of sukkah-building and the African American tradition of the hush harbor. It is a temporary tabernacle, that creates space for deep listening and reflection on the lessons that emerge from honoring legacies of Black fugitivity.

The Black Fugitive Sukkah was open to the public for one weekend. Community members were invited to sit in the sukkah, listen to the sound collage, and activate the space as they wish. Read the article about the Black Fugitive Sukkah featured in Lilith Magazine HERE.

photographs by Imogen Blue